Recruitment: How does it work?
Recruitment: How does it work?
That’s a very good question and one that is important for anyone working with a recruitment company to understand. So, let’s start off by thinking of the company like an onion (stick with me!) The company is formed of different layers of staff that together make the final product. In a recruitment company, you will find a Managing Director(s), Team Managers, Recruitment Consultants of various levels, a Finance and Office Manager, and a Marketing and Admin Team. By working together, they ensure the recruitment process for their clients and candidates is smooth from start to finish.
Recruitment consultants are the layers of the onion who form the necessary bridge between candidates and clients. In a nutshell, they ensure their client finds an individual to undertake a role. Consultants build relationships with candidates and clients so they can match the best individuals to a task. They need to be results-driven and passionate about solving the needs of their clients. You could say it’s a natural ability within every recruiter to problem solve and be relentless with tasks for it all to work. They need to have the ability to listen, assess and resolve, and be committed to repeating this process on a daily basis.
An example of problem solving is someone may have all the skills necessary to undertake the task for the job but may not be the right ‘fit’ for an organisation’s culture. It’s therefore the consultant’s job to assess their character. Even in this day and age, the best way to engage with someone is still by speaking to them on the phone. Listen to them as individuals, not products. At the same time as understanding their candidates’ needs, they must get to grips with the clients’ needs. One simply won’t work without the other.
To answer the question, recruitment as a whole works with the support of the whole company behind the consultant. Every one of us has different needs throughout our lives and it is also the same for our clients and candidates. Therefore, recruitment consultants need to be constantly aware of their candidates’ and clients’ changing requirements and seamlessly place individuals in roles. Consultants are there to provide knowledge, support and guidance so always ensure that you make the most of them!
If you would like to speak with us about any recruitment queries, please call 01732 455300.
Jean Jones
Rail Manager - CertRP

Jean Jones
Rail Manager - CertRP